I have edited and written >3000 manuscripts for a broad range of general and specialized journals in the research fields of:
- Biology (immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, biotechnology, zoology)
- Medicine (anesthetics, cardiology, dermatology, diagnostic medicine, ENT, emerging diseases, emergency medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, immunology, intensive care medicine, microbiology, neurology, occupational health, occupational therapy, oncology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, plastic and reconstructive surgery, nephrology, rheumatology, sports medicine, surgery, urology, women's health, veterinary medicine)
- Dentistry (orthodontics, prosthodontics, oral & maxillofacial surgery)
- Epidemiology and public, occupational, and environmental health
Some of these are listed below with links to their
Instructions for Authors:
Acta PaediatricaAdvances in Medical SciencesAesthetic Plastic SurgeryAlimentary Pharmacology & TherapeuticsAllergyAmerican Journal of GastroenterologyAmerican Journal of NephrologyAmerican Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care MedicineAnnals of Allergy, Asthma, and ImmunologyAnnals of MedicineAnnals of the Rheumatic DiseasesArchives of ToxicologyArthritis & RheumatologyArthroscopy TechniquesBioMedical Research InternationalBJU InternationalBloodBMC CancerBMC Musculoskeletal DisordersBMC OphthalmologyBMC PediatricsBMJ OpenBone ResearchBrain, Behavior, and ImmunityBritish Journal of Clinical PharmacologyBritish Journal of SurgeryBritish Medical JournalBurnsCalcified Tissue InternationalCancer Immunology ResearchCardiovascular ResearchCell Host & MicrobeCell MetabolismCellular & Molecular ImmunologyCirculationClinical and Experimental AllergyClinical Journal of Sport MedicineClinical Microbiology and InfectionClinical NutritionClinical Orthopaedics and Related ResearchClinical ScienceClinical & Translational ImmunologyClinics in Plastic SurgeryCorneaCritical CareCurrent Medical Research and OpinionDigestive EndoscopyElsevier-published books, book chapters, and university textbooksEMBO JournalEmerging Microbes & InfectionsEndocrineEuropean Heart JournalEuropean Journal of CancerEuropean Journal of ImmunologyEuropean UrologyEuropean Respiratory JournalExperimental and Molecular MedicineFacial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North AmericaFood ControlFoot and Ankle InternationalFrontiers in ImmunologyGastroenterologyGastrointestinal EndoscopyGutHead & NeckHepatologyImmune NetworkImmunityImmunologyImmunology LettersInjuryInternational ImmunologyInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthInternational Journal of Hygiene and Environmental HealthInternational Journal of Rheumatic DiseaseInternational Journal of Medical ScienceInternational Journal of Surgery Case ReportsInternational Urogynecology JournalInternational OrthopaedicsJACC: Cardiovascular InterventionsJAMAJapan Journal of Nursing ScienceJournal of Affective DisordersJournal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyJournal of Bone and Joint SurgeryJournal of Cellular PhysiologyJournal of Clinical ImmunologyJournal of Clinical InvestigationJournal of Clinical MedicineJournal of Clinical MicrobiologyJournal of EndocrinologyJournal of EthnopharmacologyJournal of Experimental MedicineJournal of Gastrointestinal SurgeryJournal of Human HypertensionJournal of ImmunologyJournal of Immunology ResearchJournal of ImmunotherapyJournal of Infectious DiseasesJournal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology Journal of Investigative DermatologyJournal of Korean Medical ScienceJournal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques and VideoscopyJournal of Molecular BiologyJournal of Medical UltrasonicsJournal of Microbiology and BiotechnologyJournal of NeuroinflammationJournal of Neurointerventional SurgeryJournal of NeurologyJournal of Nutrition, Health, and AgingJournal of PediatricsJournal of Peridontal & Implant ScienceJournal of the American College of CardiologistsJournal of Trace Elements in Medicine and BiologyJournal of UrologyJournal of VirologyJournal for ImmunoTherapy of CancerLancetLaryngoscopeLungMolecules and CellsMucosal ImmunologyNature Chemical BiologyNature CommunicationsNature ImmunologyNature MedicineNature NeuroscienceNutrientsNeurologyOsteoporosis InternationalPainParasite ImmunologyPediatric Blood & CancerPediatric Infectious Disease JournalPediatricsPlastic and Reconstructive SurgeryPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global OpenPLOS OnePLOS PathogensProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaResearch in Immunology-Microbes & InfectionRespiratory ResearchRetinaScience Translational MedicineScientific ReportsSeminars in ImmunopathologySpringer e-booksStrokeSurgical EndoscopyTicks and Tick-borne DiseasesTransfusionTransfusion Medicine and HemotherapyTrends in ImmunologyVaccineVeterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary ResearchWomen's Health IssuesWorld Journal of Surgery